Showing posts with label Spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spirituality. Show all posts

Meditation, Will Lead to Super Human YOU!

Meditation Benefits

Today I read an article and thinks that I should share on my blog. It's all about meditation.

I have only been meditating for two years and I have seen very Beneficials things that helping to function properly in this busy world. I am myself a Bhiddist but but you don't need to be a Bhuddist to meditate, like people when you 'sleep'. It's also already means you 'meditate'. After long digging information and experiencing with meditation, I know there is something wonderful about this and I wanted anyone who reading this try to practice meditation. In the tittle : I must say I might over sell the thing we called 'meditation' but if you are really into meditation and you study about it further you will know ~ with lots of practice and commitment ~ Meditation can lead and will make you some kind of SUPER HUMAN"

What Meditation Can Do For Your Mind, Body And Spirit

Over the past few years, meditation has evolved from an of-the-moment fad to a legitimate health craze, as research has linked the practice to everything from improved cardiovascular health to cognitive benefits. Science has even shown that mindfulness meditation canaffect gene expression.
While the modern-day sciencebehind this age-old practice is still developing, plenty of studies suggest that meditation is about way more than blissing out -- take a look at some of the possible benefits below, and scroll down for more information on each.
Infographic by Alissa Scheller for The Huffington Post.